Fuel Fabrication Preface to the D-Modules
Uranium-Based Ceramic LWR
Fuel Fabrication
LWR Pelletized MOX Fuel Fabrication
Gas-Cooled Reactor Fuels: HTR TRISO
Ceramic Pelletized Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactor Fuel Fabrication Ceramic Vibrocompacted Fuel Fabrication
Module D1-6A Contact-Handled All-U Metal or U-Metal Alloy Uranium Fuel Fabrication
Module D1-6B Contact-Handled U,Pu Metal Alloy Fuel Fabrication
Contact-Handled Pelletized
Pressurized Heavy-Water Reactor
(PHWR) UOX Fuel Fabrication
Module D1-8
Thorium-based Fuel: U,Th MOX
(See 2017 version of the CBR)
Module D1-9
Thorium-based Fuel: Thoria Blanket
(See 2017 version of the CBR)
Module D1-9
Inert Matrix and Other Advanced Fuels
(See 2017 version of the CBR)